Habbo Hotel Happenings Friday 13th April 2001 THERE'S MORE TO HABBO HOTEL... ... than the public rooms. You've probably been hanging out with your friends in the Lobby, drinking a cup of coffee in the Cafe and having a dance in the Club. But have you visited anyone's private room yet? Habbo Hotel rooms are not what you would expect a hotel room to look like... their only restriction is the owner's imagination. Everything is twice as big as the public rooms but more than twice as much fun! Some rooms have been made as bars, some as places to relax and some are even based around TV shows or pop bands. The most popular rooms at the moment include Spacebar and LIMP BIZKIT bar. Go on an adventure using the Hotel Navigator - you'll be amazed at what you find. WANT YOUR OWN ROOM? Every Habbo can get their own private room - free of charge. Just visit the Room-O-Matic booths in the Lobby (they look like high-tech telephone kiosks). You can choose to let in anyone and everyone, or you can ask people to knock first and decide if you want them to join you - it's up to you. Once you've got your own room. if you have some credits in your Habbo Purse, you can make it the envy of your friends by choosing some funky kit from the catalogue (you'll find a copy in every private room). Express your Habbo personality by choosing from the different ranges. And it's not just sofas and double beds - you can even get a bubble bath or empty bottles to play spin the bottle with! UPDATE ON HABBO CREDITS As all Habbos know, visiting Habbo Hotel is free - unlike other services which offer this kind of experience, you don't have to buy a computer game or pay a subscription fee, all you need is an Internet connection. We know that many of you would like to enhance your experience by using the premium services such as furnishing your room but have not been able to buy credits. We are working hard to sign up as many payment methods as possible, however this takes time as we have to make sure that these methods are reliable and that the minimum paying level is low enough to be affordable for all Habbos. Please be patient with us as these are coming very soon. In the meantime, if you don't have access to our current payment methods such as a Vodafone phone, you can always send a cheque or postal order in to our office, whether you live in the UK or elsewhere. Full details are in the credits section. That's all from us this week - if you've got any ideas about what you'd like to see in the hotel please let us know at mailto:contact@habbogroup.com. Happy Habboing! The Manager Habbo Hotel Happy Habboing! |