This section of the area is semi-retired, unfortunately. Maybe one day we'll catch up! Who knows? This is cool though!

Use the dropdown list to get to our listings of furniture. Be sure to check our overview when it comes to released rare furniture internationally, but don’t expect too much (outdated very much at the moment, we got your mail, will add). We don’t display unreleased furniture, but we make an exception when Sulake/Hotel staff puts furniture in their own rooms, or on some ‘known’ staff account. Internationally, that means a lot of things are public, really, so we can show you most of what you can expect in a catalogue near you, sometime soon (we hope, like you).

Included is near to 100% of what’s inside catalogues worldwide, as many hotels lack certain pieces of furniture ranges, and we want this to be an international resource. Might be obsolete for many of the ‘older’ hotels, not for those with a later birthdate ;). Besides, ever since v11 came around, recolors of furniture collections are made public very locally, and we plan to include every recolor as soon as released or spotted. Here’s your chance to see what's available worldwide. Sets of pictures (for your fansite) will be made available eventually/once a range is completely released, on our download page.

If deemed properly, additional information on a piece of furniture is available when you see a green light on top of its box; just hover the piece of furniture to show it.

February 2009 we revised our overview pages, and started adding more versions of furniture, apart from the static picture straight from the catalogue (like catalogue/hand version inside the box). So you could encounter some additional controls inside the box. Short explanation:

- : play animation. Can be either animated version as inside hotel or animated display of different versions;
- : show alternate state (on/off, open/close);
- : stop. Return to regular/catalogue view;
- : minimize. Show furniture as seen in big rooms.
Got corrections, additions ?! Please feel free to send it in, and we’ll put your name up here ;). As stated above, we’re inbetween phases. Lots needed, big room versions, animations, the other version when clicked.

In occasions new furniture is revealed outside of the catalogue, and we needed a good picture, you can count on the fact we found it at Puhekupla - the name translates as ‘speechbubble’, and could be interpreted as ‘buzz’ in their case.
Big thanks to Gal-I-Hagen, haklam and Bad=Boy for updates on our Norwegian data, Jum and @tv-julkkis@ for Finnish, Frizzoo and 08-Jacob for Danish, smack! & Thiaguinho.o for Brazilian, scibbi for Italian and floxo for French details, Travis, Unpronouncable, HotelGuy and Keenan for Australian updates, Magnea, LEGOLAS-KLARA, Premium, Pia-Tia, Alexhe and hermis for Swedish details and dbgtz, cjames, Zatley, GIGGERAX and Pabble for rare sightings in UK, willischong, zain01234 and a1b2c3d4e5 for Singapore notes, iPod-lover254 for Canadian details. Lots of the less common small pictures, and also most of the UK release dates & details provided by Kardan, much appreciated ! Huge thanks to YodaOfDarkness for all our US data, knife?, skunkboyjr and Llamuhs for additions, GiGa-AlEx for Spanish details, BlueSilver for German notes and JOLE for being helpful on multiple releases. Also huge thanks to Coryza for a lot of dates ! Thank you Nuno-mc for the holoboy.

Now some updates are rolling out, it's best to let you know that things are getting back to normal and we're (slowly) getting back to getting a full furniture archive. Habbo is starting to release more and more unnecessary furniture: meaningless collections, random LTDs and even more random bits and bobs. It's a shame really - once furniture meant something. Now, it seems, they just push things out when someone gets bored. This makes updating the archives a very lengthy task. Although not impossible, don't expect everything to be here all the time. Things will be missed out, things not picked up by eagle eyed users. If you do think something is missing, it probably is. Leave a hint on the msgboard and moan at us; it would be nice if you could link us to the image of the furniture we're missing to, that'll be very helpful. Thanks must be sent out to Habtium and their impressive furniture collection for helping us get back on track; their files are super useful and a nicely designed website too; go check it out. Last update of the furniture collection was on the third of March, 2014.